Talk about a Blog-Cation…

Wow!  I knew in my head it’s been a while since I blogged, but I never realized it’s been SO LONG.  I wish I could say there was some huge big thing that has kept me away, but there hasn’t been.

I have not written much more than a sentence in the last month.  I’ve been living in the real world, and distracting myself in the online world, and simply NOT THINKING any more than absolutely necessarily.

Call it Spring-Writing block.

So what have I been doing?

Learning how to be a Personal Trainer – and trying to figure out my personal selling style.  Damn, that’s hard.  I’ve had lots of faces in front me – and a number of individuals getting 3 session training – but…

Lots of the free orientation clients refuse to fork over $129 for 3 sessions.  Most of those who spend $$ on the three sessions choose not to buy more- even if they know they haven’t really learned everything they’d like. I have clients promising me to call in a week, or a month… but never doing so.

I get so down some days.

Besides that, I’ve been dealing with 2 sick dogs, a failing root canal and a sore shoulder.

The orthopedist now believes that I have a partial tear of my rotator cuff (superspinitus) that I will probably want surgically repaired.  (note other women my age could very likely live with this the rest of their life if they are fairly inactive.  But this is impacting my gardening, my lifting, my knitting even!).  We’re treating it conservatively for a few months and re-evaluating.  I’m speaking at BlogHer in August, then heading to my brother’s wedding a couple weeks later, so I figure I’ll have the surgery done in September.

The tooth?  Ate up all my annual dental $$ in January, so any more work on it has to wait until next year (and the year after… and so on…).

The dogs are getting meds and will be fine soon.

In the past month, I have also passed my Corrective Exercise Specialist cert. test (yay!), and started studying the factors involved in training pregnant women  and senior citizens.

Now that we’re caught up with me -what’s been happening to all you?  Challenges in your workouts?  Changed areas of focus?  Fun things happening?

Share it with me.

One response to “Talk about a Blog-Cation…

  1. You blogged! Yay!

    Man, that’s a lot of things not going well. I’m sorry. But yay for passing tests. :)

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