Four and a half

I did FOUR AND HALF unassisted pull-ups today in my first official attempt.

There are 2 female trainers at our gym.  Hally (who held the camera for the video) was inspired to try chin-ups.  She did 2, but I think I’ve inspired her to do more upper body work.


6 responses to “Four and a half

  1. That is SO AWESOME!!! Yay for having trainers take a video the first time you reach such a monumental goal. You look really great. What a huge accomplishment. :)

  2. OMG you’re amazing!! good job – you have really been doing some amazing work. so proud of you!! xo

  3. you are amazing and inspiring, woman.

  4. holy shit deb. you are so awesome! I’m so impressed with all your hard work and i’m happy to see how it is paying off for you!

  5. yeaaaaah pretty sure you are my new hero. they looks so effortless!

    Kelly Turner

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